There are two types of back-to-school mums; the super organised, has everything ready to go weeks in advance mum, or the last minute mumma, who will be frantically running around Big W on Tuesday afternoon, trying to get everything on the stationary list. No matter which one you are, we all have the same back to school ‘To Do’ list. Uniforms, school bag, shoes, lunch box, stationary lists
and haircuts. But what about their nails?
As the kids have grown older, I have often forgotten all about their nails. They are so independent now. They need me to do things for them less and less. It really is something I forget about or am just too busy to get to. That's until one of them scratches me with their sharp little claws! Imagine playing tag in the playground and being tagged by those barbs, ouch. It's not just the dangers of scratches that we need to worry about. Last time I noticed how long the kids’ nails were getting, I also noticed how gross they were underneath. Yuck! Thinking about all those germs makes me cringe so badly. It’s not just their fingers. How bad is it when your toenails get too long and rub on your other toes and socks?! So, this year I have added nails trimming to our back to school list.
We have started a new tradition in our house, Back to School Pamper Sessions. A nice relaxing foot soak, pedicure and manicure to soothe away those back to school jitters and tame those forgotten about talons. The Nail Snail® has made this job so much easier, even with my school aged kids! We soak, then trim, clean and file with our Nail Snail® and all without crying (trust me, there used to be many tears). It is such a nice way to spend some precious quality time with the 'ratbags' before the craziness of the school year begins. We have loved using our Nail Snail so much that it is going to be on our school holiday activity list every term.