How to Cut Syndactyly Nails With the Nail Snail®

Julia Trimming a Baby's Nails with Syndactyly

Julia The Nail Snail Baby Expo

The Nail Snail® at The Gold Coast Baby Expo 2017.


Julia Christie & Summer Nail Snail Expo Nail Snail Expo Nail Snail Expo
How to Cut Syndactyly Nails with a Nail Snail

A beautiful mother came to me with her gorgeous little daughter; who was fast asleep in her arms. Three fingers on her right hand were fused together, a condition known as Syndactyly.  The conjoined nail was an unusual arched shape and was growing into her skin. The poor mother had no idea what to do. Even her doctors were at a loss as to how to cut her baby's nails. She asked me to try the Nail Snail®. I carefully guided the Nail Snail® along the curve of the nails and had the 'M' shaped nail trimmed in a few seconds. The mother had tears in her eyes. The darling little baby, even remained asleep. Needless to say she took a Nail Snail® on the spot.

If you or your child has unique and different shaped nails, the best way to trim them is with a Nail Snail®.

 Syndactyly Fused Fingers Fingernails Syndactyly Fused Fingers Fingernails - Nail Snail Syndactyly Fused Fingers Fingernails - Nail Snail

Syndactyly Fused Fingers and Fingernails

By Julia Christie

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